Lab Grown Diamonds are identical to natural ones!
Lab Grown diamonds offer tremendous value. If you’re looking for diamonds that fall within your budget, they provide affordable options as opposed to mined diamonds. Not to mention, they do so without compromising on quality and size.
Engineered diamonds feature similar optical, chemical, and physical properties as natural diamonds, allowing them to offer the highest quality.
No Mining
Lab Grown diamonds don't require mining, preventing any environmental damage.
What are Lab Grown diamonds?
Lab Grown diamonds, commonly known as engineered diamonds, man-made diamonds, and cultured diamonds, are produced or grown using cutting-edge technology in a highly controlled environment. Using this equipment, experts mimic the natural procedure that allows for the production of earth-grown diamonds in the mantle beneath the earth's crust. Engineered diamonds also contain real carbon atoms that are arranged in the same way as mined diamonds. Since they are made from the same material, carbon, they show the same chemical and optical properties.
Diamond USA features a variety of lab-grown diamonds. Our diamonds are also available in various colors, including unique shades that are hard to find in mined diamonds, such as vivid yellow. Also, unique colored diamonds come with a reasonable price tag compared to natural diamonds.
How are Man-Made Diamonds Made?
Diamond USA prepares lab diamonds from the tiny carbon seeds of mined diamonds. Advanced technology, like the special deposition process, called CVD or extreme heat and pressure, replicates the natural process that creates mined diamonds. At Diamond USA, some engineered diamonds are processed under pressure and heat treatment after they’re Grown. Engineered colored diamonds are made by introducing a small number of specific residue elements during the growth stage of man-made diamonds. This is the same way naturally grown diamonds end up colored.
But in fancy and white-colored diamonds, the number of introduced trace elements may differ from that of naturally growing diamonds. An engineered diamond can only be identified using special methods and equipment to indicate minor differences in crystal growth and trace elements.
What are the Advantages of Lab Grown diamonds?
Diamonds produced in laboratories offer the same appeal and look as natural diamonds. Both diamonds have the same chemical and physical properties and experience the same pressure and temperature conditions. However, the creation of lab Grown diamonds doesn’t involve questionable ethical procedures that are commonly used to mine diamonds. Plus, engineered diamonds offer much better quality since they’re produced in a thoroughly monitored process and controlled environment. Some of the benefits of man-made diamonds are:
- Minimal to no defects
- More attractive appearance due to higher purity and brighter quality
- Cost-effective
- No environmental damages
- Offer unique colors that are not found in nature, allowing you to benefit from unique pieces.
- Companies offering lab Grown diamonds also offer pretty ring settings
- Engineered diamonds require a sustainable process for production, such as chemical vapor deposition (CVD). This allows companies to keep up with demand without impacting the environment and sacrificing quality.
What are Sustainably Produced Diamonds?
Diamond USA has been producing sustainable and beautiful diamonds. They are sustainable lab Grown diamonds since they don’t use harmful techniques that pollute the environment. We also use technology that doesn't cause harm, like the mining procedure, making man-made diamonds a better option to protect the environment.
How are Engineered Diamonds Graded and Certified?

Lab Grown diamond of a 2 carat
At Diamond USA, all lab Grown diamonds are made with the same process. After production, we send them to a gemological laboratory to get them certified.
Grading Engineered diamonds is similar to the process of grading mined diamonds. We pay great attention to the colors, carat, clarity, and cut of a gemstone. Clarity is an important factor that limits defects and cracks in the diamond and improves appearance. The cut is another factor that refers to the brilliance and finish of the diamond, while carat is the measurement of the gemstone's weight and size. Our team inspects each diamond and ensures that they offer the highest quality.
Diamond rings are the best gift you can give someone. However, purchasing a beautiful diamond ring with fantastic accents and a center diamond can cost you a lot. Affordable lab Grown diamonds make it easy to show your spouse how much you cherish them. You’ll be able to gift an exceptional piece that falls within your budget and doesn’t harm the environment.
Lab Grown Diamond Search

Lab Grown and natural diamonds search is identical
Lab-Grown Diamonds vs. Diamonds Stimulants
It’s important to understand the difference between diamondstimulants and lab-Grown diamonds. Like moissanite and cubic zirconia,Diamond stimulants look similar to diamonds but don't have the same carboncomposition. Therefore, stimulants don't offer the same physical and chemicalproperties as natural diamonds and sell at much lower prices compared to engineereddiamonds. It’s also easy to differentiate stimulants from lab-Grown or naturaldiamonds.
Lab-Grown and natural diamonds have thermic conductivity propertiesthat help experts identify them using a hand diamond checker, differentiatingthem from cubic zirconia. Some natural or lab-Grown diamonds can mistakenly beidentified as moissanite when using specific diamond testers. This is because theyhave similar electrical conductivity properties. A gemologist can easily identifythe moissanite and diamond just by looking. This is because of their differentrefractive properties, as diamonds are single refractive, and moissanite is doublerefractive.
Our Popular Styles
Learn about some of our demanding settings to style your lab Grown diamonds.
The Classic Style Solitaire

Oval delicate halo engagement ring

Petite Shared Prongs

Lab Grown Diamond Ring Settings
We pair engineered diamonds with diamond accents to offer beautifuland one-of-a-kind engagement rings. Using lab-Grown diamonds in the center and as accents natural ones, we offer a spectacular design that aligns with your requirements. Based on the chosen style, we look for an appropriate accent diamond to match the chosen center diamond.

We match the accent natural diamonds to the center Lab diamond
Diamond-USA's lab diamonds show the same chemical, physical, andoptional properties as natural diamonds. They show the same scintillation,sparkle, and fire. A jeweler’s loupe makes it impossible to tell man-made diamondsfrom natural ones.
Man-made diamonds contain some of the trace elements as natural ones.This ensures that engineered diamonds look and feel the same as naturaldiamonds. The only way to differentiate between both types of diamonds is to gothrough them from specialized tests that use unique equipment. Purchased man-madediamonds always should have gem certifications, proving that they’re laboratory-growndiamonds.
So, decide from our impeccable variety of man-made diamonds by checkingout our online inventory. First, choose your desired style. Then, our team willset your chosen diamond in the right recycled platinum or gold setting.
Discover Lab Grown diamonds by Color
The three most sought after are: Yellow, Pink, Blue:

Lab Grown Oval Fancy intense Yellow diamond

Lab Grown Fancy Vivid Blue Emerald cut

Fancy Vivid Pink Lab Grown Radiant
Are Lab Grown Diamonds Affordable?
These diamonds provide quality and aesthetics at a lower price thannatural diamonds, making them a cost-effective option.
How to Identify Lab Testes Diamonds?
They have the same chemical, physical, and optical characteristicsas mined diamonds and offer the same sparkle, scintillation, and fire. The onlyway to identify lab Grown diamonds is by undergoing them through a specialtest.
Do Lab Grown diamonds have any Defects?
Lab-grown diamonds may have some defects like surface inclusions sincethey’re produced using the same methods as natural diamonds. The defects areminimal and even make your man-made diamonds look natural.
Are Lab Grown diamonds Cloudy?
Lab-Grown diamonds are chemically and physically similar tonatural diamonds. But they don't develop a cloudy appearance, giving yourjewelry a long-lasting finish.
Are Lab-Grown Diamonds as Good an Investment as Natural Diamonds?
People often choose engineered diamonds because they’re asustainable option. Not to mention, they can get a larger lab-Grown diamond bystaying within their budget. Like natural diamonds or other gemstones, theresale value of man-made diamonds can vary. Since these diamonds are relativelynew, it's hard to predict their value in the future.
Can Lab-Grown diamonds be insured?
Yes, you can insure lab-Grown diamonds.
What is Phosphoresce in Lab-Grown diamonds and Natural Diamonds?
Phosphoresce refers to a diamond’s ability to glow in the dark. In this case, the diamond exhibits a glow when it comes in contact with shortwaveUV light. This is something you can notice in both lab-Grown and naturaldiamonds.
Can Lab Diamonds be Identified as Moissanite through Tests?
Some diamonds can be identified as moissanite using specific tests,as they have the same properties. Professionals can use certain equipment and tests to correctly identify them.
What Is Meant by The Treated Lab Diamond?
Lab-Grown diamonds are exposed to intense pressure and heat. Also, some diamonds undergo additional treatments to refine them further.
Read More about Lab Grown Diamonds>>>
Your Ultimate Guide to Lab Created Diamonds>>>