drop to your knee and say I love you with all the love I have will you let me give you all my love. Holding out the ring you wait an eternity for her reply. |
Diane Corbin's Engagement story |
It was September of 1981, a normal day as days go, when you're sixteen years old. My parents were going to this soup supper in Ripley, and of course they just couldn't appreciate that I didn't want to be seen with them, especially not at some lame old folks event. But of course, my dad was concerned for me, and preceded to inform me that while they would love to, they just weren't going to be able to pay for college for me, and because of our rural location, that I would be "an old maid" if I didn't find "someone to marry me before I graduated from high school." I guess he thought he needed to tell me this so that I would be looking a little harder to find someone to "take me on" as a wife. I was so upset that I cried for two hours before we went, and only decided to go so as to go see my best friend Belinda.
When we arrived, I took off to see my friend, who happened to be babysitting at the time. We proceeded to walk the two or three blocks to the park, with her nephew, when her brother, Marvin drove by. Little Jeffy cried out for his "Uncle Marv", who stopped and offered to give us a ride to the park to appease the wailing child.
Belinda's brother Marvin, was good looking, wild and confident. With his clean-cut marine corp haircut, his amazing green eyes, and that smile; he was way out of my league. He and his sister were talking in the front of the truck, while I entertained little Jeffy. When, out of the blue, Marvin stopped the truck and said "hey, you want to have a good time tonight?"
I was so shocked I'm not certain exactly what I said, but within minutes we were preparing to go out on a double-date. Me and Marvin and Belinda and her on-off boyfriend David. I still don't know what she had to promise him, but here I was plain Diane and amazing Marvin.
The date itself was normal until we were getting ready for us to leave and head home. Marvin was a little disappointed, thinking he would get lucky, I guess. And then he kissed me.
It was like nothing I had ever experienced before. I knew at that moment that this would be the man I would marry. It was like a lightning bolt, a moment of clarity. And somehow I think I knew that he had felt it too.
He didn't call me right away, it was probably a month or two later when he called out-of-the-blue. We talked for probably two hours, about everything. And then he said that he couldn't stop thinking about me. And he asked me to marry him. At first I thought he was absolutely crazy. After all, we had only been on one date. But he said, " believe me- we're gonna get married". It took him quite a while to convince me that he was serious, but in February, he bought me a ring and we set a date. That was 1982. We have been happily married since May of 1982, now twenty-five years ago. And we have never regretted any of it.
Al menos algunavez en nuestras vidas nos hemos llegado a preguntar si lograremos a encontrar ala persona ideal con quien deseamos estar el resto de nuestras vidas, compartiendolos mismos anhelos para hacerlos realidad juntos, y sobre todo que nos hagasentir únicos y perfectos.
Esta es lahistoria de cómo encontré a quien inevitablemente me hace sonreír y equilibrami vida. Una mañana de 7 de Marzo del 2007 la conocí, y después de 766 días de perseveranciaaceptó ser mi novia, ese mágico momento se quedó grabado en mi alma al sentir porprimera vez el tierno roce de sus labios.
Desde aquelmaravilloso instante en el que los dos aceptamos darnos la oportunidad deconocernos, iniciamos un camino que ambos desconocíamos pero que valientementeempezamos a recorrer juntos durante 1,377 días. A lo largo de este tiempo nosdimos la oportunidad de conocer nuestras virtudes y defectos, compartimosgrandes emociones y nos hicimos cómplices de tiernas travesuras, llegamos aconocernos tanto que con solo mirarnos sabíamos lo que deseábamos y lo quepesábamos. Son esos momentos los que te hacen darte cuenta de lo valioso que estu relación, lo importante que eres para ella, en los que te ríes solo,recordando lo increíble que son los momentos junto a ella, y las grandes cosasque pueden llegar hacer juntos, es ahí cuando descubres no existen dudas en elamor que sientes por ella, es único y verdadero, es aquí cuando te a través allevar tu relación al siguiente nivel.
Una mañana del15 de Enero del 2013, llego a mí el anillo de compromiso tan esperado, tananhelado, que no se puede contener la emoción de recibir con agrado la noticia.Inmediatamente sin pensar en lo que estaba haciendo y reduciendo la importanciaa las demás cosas, fui a su encuentro. Una vez que llegue y lo tuve en mismanos te das cuenta que es tan perfecto y puro como el amor que sientes por ella, vino a mí una sensación defelicidad indescriptible es una emoción tan grande que solo lo puedes sentir alexperimentarlo tú mismo.
Ese mismo díaque llego el anillo de compromiso la invite a ir a la playa a 120km de nuestraciudad, con la coartada de a ir a una fiesta con unos amigos, y quede de pasarpor ella a las 4:00 p.m. Antes de llegar había hecho las diligencias parareunir un par de copas y botellas de vino, aperitivos, un Smartphone conaltavoces, utensilios y otras cosas las cuales guarde en mi equipaje.
Ella sinsospechar de nada en absoluto. Subió a mi auto y las 6:00 p.m. habíamos llegadoa un hotel de playa para hospedarnos y lugar donde estarían mis amigos. Una vezhospedados fuimos a la terraza con vista a la playa, y le indique que mientrasllegaban los amigos tomaríamos unas copas de vino, y al paso de los minutosnuestra platica pasaba recordando las historias que habíamos vivido juntos, alpaso de una hora la conversación se volvió de lo bien que nos sentíamos juntos,de hablar de los posibles planes de vida si continuábamos igual de enamorados,fue ahí cuando encontré en mí el valor de proponerle matrimonio pero con unanillo elaborado con hojarasca de una palma, para medir la reacción que tendríaal preguntarle si se casaría conmigo.
Su reacción fuede mucho nerviosismo, y su respuesta fue: “¿Dónde está el anillo?” y le indiqueque el anillo de hojarasca de palma que le estaba ofreciendo era el únicoanillo que le podía dar en ese momento, y que lo importante es que si aceptabaen ese momento mi anillo de hojarasca de palma me haría el hombre más feliz delmundo, entonces hubo un silencio y su respuesta fue “SI” y dijo: “si quierocasarme contigo y no me importa si no hay anillo de diamante lo importante esque yo también quiero estar a tu lado el resto de mi vida”.
En el momentoque me abrazo y me dio un beso intercambie los anillos, sustituyendo el anillode hojarasca de palma por el anillo de diamante, en ese momento le coloque elanillo de diamante en su dedo anular y dejando que ella creyera que era elanillo de hojarasca de palma.
Sin haberse dadocuenta del anillo de diamante que ya tenía en su mano, tomó su copa de vino ybebió de ella, y fue en ese momento cuando observo que el anillo que le habíapuesto era en realidad un anillo de diamante y no el anillo de hojarasca depalma que le ofrecí para proponerle matrimonio, cuando lo observo hubo unsilencio y se me quedo mirando, e inmediatamente se puso a llorar, era tal sufelicidad que me abrazó y seguía llorando, arrodillado frente a ella le volví apedir con mucha seriedad que fuera mi esposa, ahora su respuesta de ella fue: “SI,para toda la vida”
Cada vez que meacuerdo me pongo sentimental y me dan ganas de llorar porque fue un momento tanespecial, tan hermoso, tan espectacular que cada vez que me acuerdo me hacesonreír y me rio de felicidad. Como era de esperarse cambio el estado de surelación en el Facebook, indicando que Ana Luz había pasado de estar en unarelación con Octavio a pasar a estar comprometida con Octavio y fue allí quesus amigos se enteraron de estábamos comprometidos, un día después le dijimos anuestros padres y familia que estábamos comprometidos.
Esa noche fue lanoche muy especial ya que seguimos platicando en la terraza del hotel a laorilla de la playa pasada la media noche diciéndonos lo mucho que nos amábamos,recuerdo que cuando se dio cuenta del anillo de diamante que traía en su dedose puso a llorar, bailaba como si tuviera 15 años, brincaba como si se hubiese ganadoel premio mayor de la lotería, la expresión de sus ojos irradiaban muchafelicidad porque finalmente estaba comprometida conmigo y el anillo era comosiempre se lo había imaginado con el corte princesa y con montura lucida. Ydebo decir que también lloré y también estaba muy feliz, enormemente feliz.
Finalmente noscasamos por el Civil el 24 de Agosto del 2007 y los quince días nos casamos porla Iglesia el 07 de septiembre del 2014 después de 235días de haberle entregado el anillo de compromiso. Actualmente estamosesperando un bebe que será niño, tiene 5 meses y su fecha de nacimiento estáestimado para el 09 de Abril del 2015, el día que acepto ser mi novia.
GraciasDiamonds-USA por ser parte de esta historia de amor.
José Octavio Rico Contreras
Confirmación defecha de compra: 12/3/2012 2:37:53 PM.
Order Number: 13475
Diamond: #9068, Princess, D, SI1,
Jewel Settings: CrissCross (The Lucida ) For Princess and Asshers,Platinum 950, Finger Size: US 6.5 / UK .
País: Mexico.
Ing. Octavio Rico

Mi declaración romántica se dio el día 5 de noviembre del 2011 con un anillo de compromiso que mandé a hacer en México y con un diamante que compré en diamonds-usa.
Llevaba casi dos años con mi novia, y ya habíamos hablado de casarnos, aunque no habíamos formalizado nada. Ella estaba estudiando en Londres, terminando su carrera en diseño textil, y mientras estuvo allá, empezamos a considerar mucho más seriamente la posibilidad de casarnos.
La navidad anterior, yo fui a visitarla, y estuvimos en Londres y Paris durante casi 5 semanas, y en esas semanas, caminando por la calle, encontramos una joyería en la que ella vio el anillo de compromiso que quería. Creo que es importante mencionar que en ese viaje, por separado, los dos decidimos que queríamos casarnos con el otro, es decir, yo por mi lado pensé “es ella” y ella, por su lado, también pensó “es él”. Al ver el anillo de compromiso, tomé nota de la joyería, vi que tenia pagina de internet y al regresar a México busque el anillo y guardé las imágenes.
Ahí se detuvo la cosa por aproximadamente 7 meses.
Al pasar esos siete meses, Mayte (Mi esposa) decidió tomar un viaje de graduación por la India y Rusia, antes de regresar a México, al tiempo que yo hice el pedido del diamante que compre para mandar a hacer el anillo. La búsqueda fue exhaustiva, chequé muchas paginas de internet, busque en joyerías en la Ciudad de México, hablé con conocidos, hasta que di con el diamante que me conquistó, un diamante de 0.56 quilates, “F”, IS2, CLARITY ENHANCED, 8 HEARTS AND ARROWS”. Lo vi muchas veces, lo comparé con otros y me decidí a comprarlo.
Al recibir el diamante, me moría de ganas de enseñárselo a Mayte, pero me contuve. en lugar de eso, decidí hacerle una pequeña broma. Mientras ella estaba en la India, hablamos por teléfono gracias a un celular que compró para su viaje, y en una ocasión que hablamos, en la que ella estaba en algún pueblo perdido, le dije que ya quería mandar a hacer su anillo de compromiso, pero que no me sabia su talla, que si por favor me podría decir que talla era para poder mandarlo a hacer. Obviamente intentó conseguirla, pero las tallas de los anillos en la India, no tienen nada que ver con las tallas de anillos en el occidente, por lo que se dio por vencida. Ella no contaba con que si me sabia su talla, y yo ya había mandado a hacer el anillo.
Por fin, regresó de la India y Rusia, el 25 de octubre de 2011, sin idea de que yo tenia listo su anillo de compromiso. Antes de que ella regresará, organice el evento, que fue en San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato. es un pueblo colonial muy bonito. en ese lugar, hay un restaurant, el cual tiene una terraza con una fuente de fuego, de la que adjunto fotografía, el cual me pareció ideal para hacer la pedida.
Le dije a Mayte que teníamos una boda de una amiga en ese lugar y que yo sería testigo, asi que teníamos que llegar súper puntuales. conseguí que nos dejaran entrar a la terraza del lugar en la tarde y unas amigas de la universidad me ayudaron a arreglarlo, además conseguí también que me dejaran entrar con mi novia media hora antes de que abrieran, para que pudiéramos tener tiempo para estar solos.
Llegamos a San Miguel en la mañana de ese 5 de noviembre, nos arreglamos para la “boda” y estuvimos listos justo a tiempo. Un detalle que nunca consideré fue la caja del anillo, una caja bastante grande, que tuve que guardar en la bolsa del saco para llegar al restaurant, al subir al taxi, solamente podía pensar en que la iba a descubrir, pero no fue así.
“¿Querías emociones fuertes Beto? Estoy a una hora de comprometerme con Mayte y ella no tiene ni idea” Fue lo que escribí en Facebook desde el hotel en el que estábamos.
Cuando llegamos al restaurant, el taxi nos dejó en la puerta de “la boda”, y para llegar a la terraza hay 2 opciones, la primera es tomar el elevador que te lleva directamente a ésta, la segunda es caminar por unas escaleras de cristal 3 pisos para llegar. Decidí pedirle a Mayte que se subiera por las escaleras, sin dejarla que viera el elevador. y le dije que yo tenia que ir al baño.
Cuando se adelantó, me subí al elevador, por lo que obviamente llegué primero. me paré junto a la fuente de fuego y la esperé. Al terminar de subir las escaleras, no se dio cuenta de que yo ya estaba ahí, hasta que un mesero, que era la única otra persona que estaba en la terraza, le dijo “ya la están esperando señorita”. Al verme, supo que era lo que estaba pasando, extendí mis brazos, para hacerle saber que la estaba esperando, se acercó, me arrodille y le dije:
“Todos los días desde que te conocí le agradezco a Dios por haberte puesto en mi camino, y mi más grande deseo es seguirle agradeciendo por todos los días que me queden, ¿te quieres casar conmigo?”
En ese momento, pusieron una de las canciones que hemos adquirido como propias que es “Crush” de Dave Mathews.
Me dijo que si… le puse el anillo y brindamos… Estuvimos en ese lugar por la media hora que teníamos para nosotros solos. después llegaron amigos y familiares, que estaban todos enterados de lo que estaba haciendo, a acompañarnos para celebrar.

Penelope and Christian
17 oct 2016
Penelope and Chris met at afriend’s party and have been dating since. One year after they started goingout, Chris asked Penelope to move in with him in his downtown Chicago apartment.Time elapsed, and the two had their first born four years later, a son theynamed Anthony after Penelope’s late grandfather. In another two years, theybrought home a baby sister for Anthony. They named her Adriana, after theirgrand mom. So, they have been just as married as any legally wedded couple andraising a family together, only without a wedding day celebration.
Penelope was very happy andcontent in her life. An independent artist, she works in the basement of herapartment building which she had leased and turned into a small workshop. Chrisgot into advertising and is going great in his job. Their children are four andtwo now. But, there was never any mention about the “W” word from either ends.
“I never gave it much of athought. Somewhere at the back of my mind, I knew we would tie the knotsomeday, or wouldn’t. It didn’t matter that much because I’m deeply in lovewith the father of my children and we have a family together and that’s all Icould hope for.”
Penelope’s 32ndbirthday she will always remember as a very special one. On that day, they wentto their favorite Italian place. Now, this was almost a birthday custom forthem for years now. They both loved Italian food and this place is where they couldbe found on any special day. Chris, Penelope always knew was the less romanticof the two of them. So, she knew what to expect and what now. However, whatensued that evening is a perfect story for a tear-jerker.
After placing the order, theykept chattering about friends, work and the usual stuff in life. After thewaiter has served the salad, Penelope reached for the bread basket, to find asmall hard cube among the sweet smelling oven-fresh breads. She opened the boxto reveal a sparkler shining brightly at her from its holding.
She looked up to find Chriskneeling down by her side, asking her- “You’ve given me the two greatest joysin my life. Would be kind enough to give me a third?”
“It was a total surprise. At thatmoment, I didn’t know what to say. I could feel my eyes watering and my cheeks warming.”
After a minutes pause, realizingthat his knees might have started to hurt by then, she gave him an overwhelmingyes. It was one of the happiest moments of their lives. They went back homethat evening to announce their wedding in a month to their children andparents.
To this day, Penelope and Chrisremember the day fondly. They have been married 5 months now, and except therings, nothing much has changed with it. Oh, and the two are expecting theirthird child in a few months.
Guess, marriage happens in the mindsand hearts than on papers.
Gertrude and Hammond
17 oct 2016
Gertrude and Hammond both are travel enthusiasts. They ran their own online travelogues that enjoyed enormous viewership. Soon after they met, they merged their blogs under a mashup name and now they run it together, telling the world beautiful stories of their journeys together.
But, that’s not the best part. The two met in France, while on their tours. It was chance encounter which entailed years of romance and a very strong bonding. Gertrude had been to Paris a number of times prior to the one in which she met Hammond. She dropped in for a day only to take an idle stroll over the Pont des Arts which was her favorite spot in the whole city.
Hammond on the other hand was on his maiden trip to France. So, he took to backpacking through the streets, and one turn after the other took him to the same bridge. They had started on foot from the opposite ends of the bridge and as they crossed, Hammond’s backpack knocked the sipper off Gertrude’s hand, and that’s the accident that brought two passionate lovers and travelers together.
They traversed Paris in each other’s company for the next two days. “I had the excuse of her experience of the city to request her to show me around. Honestly, I just wanted to be with her for some strange reason”, Hammond later admits with a chuckle. “I tagged along even when I should have been flying out of Europe the following day because he was too cute to be passed for a stay-at-home weekend in the States. We spent the next two days together in the city of light and love, and those were two of the best-spent days of my life.”
Their love blossomed in the streets of Paris as they covered more miles on foot and indulged in wine and duck confits and croissants. However, the jaunt came to an ending and they had to go their separate ways. For an entire year, they kept in contact through postcards from all the exotic places they visited in between, emails and letters, until opportunity came and their paths crossed again.
This time when Hammond saw her, he saw it as clear as the sky overhead and as sure as the ground beneath his feet that the life he sees ahead is with no other but her. During their brief rendezvous in Europe, he took her to her favorite pedestrian bridge, the Pont des Arts in Paris and as they walked the bridge together, he stopped her at the scene of serendipity where it all started, went down on his knees and said the most beautiful thing that Gertrude had heard, “Mademoiselle, I have only seen this moment in my dreams, but you look an infinity more beautiful in real. When I ask you to marry me in my dreams, you always smile, but never speak. So, what would it be in real?”
Though very surprised, she was overjoyed. She said a yes and ran into his arms and that was the start of a fairytale journey of two travelers.
Catherine and Brian
17 oct 2016
Catherine and Brian have beenworking in the same company for many years now. They noticed each other fromthe time Catherine joined, but never had the opportunity to speak beyond exchangingthe usual greetings. One Christmas, Brian braced up for the big move, motivatedby a couple of his work friends’ fiery lecturing and asked her out on a date.It was an easy yes for Catherine who already liked him and was working on waysto get him to ask.
They both ditched their familiesthat year to be with each other on the Christmas day. However, the date turnedout to be a week-long one. They were practically inseparable over the Christmasweekend. With a beautiful time spent in a very long time, they both went backto working as professionals again.
But, both Catherina and Brain hadmore in mind than just a fling. They genuinely liked each other and in thatweek’s time, they had grown an attachment that if not be termed ‘love’ rightaway, was a lot more than two adults who went on a date would behave.
They kept seeing each other overlunch breaks and weekends. “Brian would often offer to drop me home, or walk meto the copy room. It seemed cheesy to some of my high-brow friends, but it wasall very cute for me. I appreciated that he just wanted to stick around.”
A couple of years later, on oneof their usual romantic dinners, he took her to Eleven Madison Park. “It was alittle too upscale for our choice, and I didn’t know why he chose the placeuntil much later.”So, after the dinner was over, it was dessert time. “I am notmuch of a dessert person, but the lavender Panna Cotta cake with strawberrycaviar was my guilty indulgence. So he order me one. As I scooped into thecaviar topping, my spoon hit something hard and metallic. I looked down and sawa sinfully gorgeous diamond ring sitting atop the cake. I looked up at him andhe reached out for my hand from the other end of the table.”
He didn’t say anything for a good30 seconds, trying to gauze the reaction in her eyes. He was a littleapprehensive that he was rushing into it. But as tears started forming aroundthe rims, he was relieved and went forward to make his big ask.
He leaned over and asked, “I knowthis might come across as too early, but if you look at yourself through my eyesjust one time, you’d know it’s not. Marry me and let me make you mine, today,and forever.”
The evening melted away into themost romantic one under the star-studded sky. Four moons later, they tied theknot in presence of their parents, office mates, bosses, friends, friends offriends, neighbors and close ones in a big wedding.
Catherine and Brian is married 3years now. They still go to the same office and he still walks her to her deskbetween meetings.
Stephanie and Garry
Stephanie and Garry have been together forever. He is her first love, and from the word go, she had wanted to be married to him. Garry loves and cherishes Stephanie in a very special way. Their relationship started off very smoothly and the ensuing 5 years of their relationship hasn’t been difficult at all. They were so alike in so many ways that they leveled their differences with love and understanding. Doing that hasn’t been difficult at all for the either of them. Their friends call them the “perfect couple” in the group.
Ever since Stephanie knew that she wanted to be married to Garry, she had imaage wedding dress. Standing there in the cold of December with the holiday lights shining upon them, Stephanie made her wish. “It was more of picture before my eyes than a wish. I saw myself standing at the altar of a small church with Garry before me, disarmingly handsome as always. When I opened my eyes, he was down on his knees, and at that very moment I realized it was the dream come true moment of my life.”
gined a neat and small wedding in a village about 100 miles from the town. Every now and then, she would stop at the shopfront of a bridal showroom to look wishfully at the dandy dresses on display. Though she was careful enough to not act like that around Gary, he knew her too well to be ignorant of her heart’s most fervent desire. In rare times, when Garry had thought about his wedding with Stephanie, he had imagined a small church wedding. Though both kept the ideas to themselves, the desire conflagrated with the relationship.
So, on Stephanie’s 25th birthday, Garry planned to drive her down to Vail and spend the weekend there. It was around Christmas time and entire sleepy village was dressed up for celebration. Garry asked Stephanie to join him on a late night stroll. Though it was chilly late at night, the town was still bright and alive with festive fervor. They walked down the snow strewn sidewalk past the little gift shops and candy stores, and right in front of a vintage bridal gown showroom, he stopped. He closed her eyes and asked her to make a wish.
The last thing he let Stephanie see before closing her eyes was a pretty herit.
Stephanie and Garry
Stephanie and Garry have been together forever. He is her first love, and from the word go, she had wanted to be married to him. Garry loves and cherishes Stephanie in a very special way. Their relationship started off very smoothly and the ensuing 5 years of their relationship hasn’t been difficult at all. They were so alike in so many ways that they leveled their differences with love and understanding. Doing that hasn’t been difficult at all for the either of them. Their friends call them the “perfect couple” in the group.
Ever since Stephanie knew that she wanted to be married to Garry, she had imagined a neat and small wedding in a village about 100 miles from the town. Every now and then, she would stop at the shopfront of a bridal showroom to look wishfully at the dandy dresses on display. Though she was careful enough to not act like that around Gary, he knew her too well to be ignorant of her heart’s most fervent desire. In rare times, when Garry had thought about his wedding with Stephanie, he had imagined a small church wedding. Though both kept the ideas to themselves, the desire conflagrated with the relationship.
So, on Stephanie’s 25th birthday, Garry planned to drive her down to Vail and spend the weekend there. It was around Christmas time and entire sleepy village was dressed up for celebration. Garry asked Stephanie to join him on a late night stroll. Though it was chilly late at night, the town was still bright and alive with festive fervor. They walked down the snow strewn sidewalk past the little gift shops and candy stores, and right in front of a vintage bridal gown showroom, he stopped. He closed her eyes and asked her to make a wish.
The last thing he let Stephanie see before closing her eyes was a pretty heritage wedding dress. Standing there in the cold of December with the holiday lights shining upon them, Stephanie made her wish. “It was more of picture before my eyes than a wish. I saw myself standing at the altar of a small church with Garry before me, disarmingly handsome as always. When I opened my eyes, he was down on his knees, and at that very moment I realized it was the dream come true moment of my life.”
He held the ring up to her with the question, “I don’t want to be ‘Stephanie and Garry’ anymore. I wanna be us. Please say yes to that.” It was a moment of uncontainable joy for Stephanie. Between fighting the tears and finding her speech, she meowed yes. The vacation was unforgettable. They had a wonderful two days together in the magical town of Vail. When they came back, they broke the news to their family and close friends, and for others they posted a picture that has Garry on his knees and Stephanie looking down at him cockeyed in front of the little bridal shop.