Loose diamonds, Engagement rings, Clarity Enhanced Diamonds || Los diamantes sueltos, anillos de compromiso, diamantes claridad mejorada
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Custom made engagement rings

Custom made engagement rings

Custom made Engagement rings Using CAD

Until recently, Computer-aided design (CAD) was an expensive technology reserved to the aerospace and automobile industries. Today, specialist computer software can create precise designs in 3D of your custom Engagement ring. Sophisticated ArtCAM  equipment  automatically carves your own design directly unto wax models for casting. This allows for elaborate designs that would be impossible to draw by hand.
CAD Design System and Diamonds-USA

This new and exciting service allows our customers to create their own Engagement rings according to taste and specification. Once we receive sketches or images of your desired engagement ring, we create a 3D representation of it and send it to you by email for confirmation or further modifications.


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