Rose gold engagement rings, A bursting trend and beauty
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Rose gold engagement rings, A bursting trend and beauty, News 69

Sunday, July 3, 2016

Rose Gold Engagement Rings

To get proposed by theman of her life is a moment every woman dreams of. Although the details of thedream may vary on the basis of every girl’s preference, one aspect of thisdream remains the same, and that is: her man takes out a beautiful engagementring with a shiny diamond on it. Diamond is the ultimate object of desire for everyone,both men, and women. And when it comes to engagement rings, diamonds are knownto symbolize the purity of love and commitment, just like this sturdy piece ofrock, the hardest naturally occurring mineral known to mankind.

Engagement rings are availableand created in many designs and shapes. The bands are made from a variety ofprecious metals to go with the taste of each and every wearer. Today, we willdiscuss a trending metal, called the rose gold.

What Is Rose Gold?

When we are asked thinkof gold jewelry, yellow and white gold are the only two variants that come toour mind. There are very few people who would think about having theirengagement rings created in rose gold. Now the question comes, is gold reallyavailable in rose color?

See, the thing is, goldin its pure form is as soft as clay. It would be virtually impossible to designa sturdy jewelry in gold that stands the test of time and daily wear and tear.Therefore, it is alloyed with other metals to increase its firmness. As we allknow, this process of mixing two metals is called alloying, and the combinationthus formed is called alloy. Different gold alloys have different colors. Whencopper is added to pure gold, the alloy thus formed has a unique color tone,which is known as the rose gold in today’s times.

But rose gold is not newto this world. Russians loved rose gold and the trend also expanded up to westerncountries. Then there was a time when platinum rose to fame and conquered thejewelry market. It was during the World War II when rose gold found its fanfollowing again. But yellow gold and platinum still led the market.

Solitaire Rose gold engagement ring
Solitaire Rose Gold engagement ring

Rose gold vintage syle engagement ring
Rose gold vintage style engagement ring

Why Is Rose Gold aTrending Choice?

The answer lies in the pointsbelow. Men, it’s time you start taking notes.

1. Uniqueness – Everyone getscurious when they spot someone donning a rose gold ring. Because of itsunconventional color tone, rose gold jewelry sets you apart from the crowd. Youare not wearing what everyone else is. It’s always to be part of a rising trendinstead of wearing something called the faux passé unless you don’t care even adime about fashion.

2. Appeal – What’s the firstthing when you think of the Rose flower? Love. What comes to your mind when youthink of a diamond ring? A promise of commitment, a proposal. Do the mathfriends, a rose colored diamond engagement ring exudes love and commitment likenothing else in this world. Apart from this, rose gold suits almost all skintones. So your chances of going wrong with choosing rose gold ring arevirtually zilch.

3. Less Expensive – Rosegold is an alloy that is a blend of 75% in gold and 25% in copper. Thus, itmakes it a more reasonable metal as compared to alloys where gold is moreprominent, like yellow and white gold. It is a good choice for men who plan topropose their lady as it will make a woman stand a class apart, without burninga hole in the man’s pocket at the same time.

In a nutshell, rose goldengagement rings are trending, all thanks to their unique character andromantic touch. You can get the best quality of diamond engagement rings inrose gold at,whereyou can find amazing designs and certified diamonds at wholesale prices.


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