Halo and Solitaire are Still Favorites among Couples
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Halo and Solitaire are Still Favorites among Couples, News 38

Saturday, July 11, 2015

Halo and Solitaire are Still Favorites among Couples

Whilethere have been different setting and accents in diamond engagement rings toenhance the beauty and appeal, none seem to have beaten the halo setting forits popularity. The halo is still leading the pack though with some amount of moderntwists. Halos are now done with colored diamonds like pink or yellow and also withsapphires on rose gold. Halo has still remained a favorite because it can enhancesmaller center stones. The halo effect provides a larger look overall which is whyno other design or setting has been able to beat it in terms of popularity. However,buyers are also choosing more feminine mountings.

Some jewelers arealso of the opinion that the solitaire hasn’t gone anywhere and that they stillmakes waves. Its biggest draw is its simplicity and easy purchase. When a man alonevisits a store to buy an engagement ring for his fiancé he still depends on thesimple and everlasting solitaire


Vintage  Halo Diamond Engagement ring


Vintagesolitaire Diamond Engagement ring at Diamonds-usa.com

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